Mary Crane Annual Report
Design can educate and entertain. Which is even better when it’s an annual report for a children’s daycare center. The good people of Mary Crane are, well... good people. And were great clients. As you can see from this sampling of pieces, they have a wonderful story to tell and welcome the most creative and inspiring ways to tell it.
Concordia-Avondale Outdoor  |  Direct Mail
Awareness campaign focusing on the flexibility of the facility’s preschool and childcare programs – from sliding scale tuition to part-time or full-time enrollment. Download a case study of this success story.
Redhand Advisors
Redhand Advisors (RiskTech consulting services) is a new client for Z Factory. And since starting this relationship, we’ve worked together to get all of Redhand’s communications headed in the same bold direction. Building off a strong existing identity, we’ve created an expanded palette of colors and bold graphic visuals to bring new life and energy to every new piece!
EJ Gallo Direct Mail
The sales team at EJ Gallo were interested in targeting a very specific neighborhood in Chicago – while developing a nationwide marketing template – and needed a communications piece that could get people to see wine as an every day pleasure and not just for special occasions. Enter: variable data printing that can personalize each piece to each address and recipient. 

Label Bill and Rebecca as impressed.
Navy Pier Print Ads
As part of a series of ads aimed at increasing convention business at Navy Pier, these executions gave voice to the neighborhood’s wildlife. No, not rats... frogs and birds. Frogs and birds, people. And it all involved a wonderful – if not slightly scary – helicopter ride to shoot the day and dusk scenes.
See other fun print work under LINKERGY.
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